This past weekend we celebrated the official launch of Wild Skies: Europa Tempest with two gaming events. First was open gaming day at The Louisville Game Shop where we played Wild Skies with backers and gamers new to the game. Then at Nerd Louisville’s Slur Your Role XXXVII we ran two games and introduced even more of the local gamer crowd to our game. It was a great weekend. All the games went smoothly and everyone seemed to have fun. It is great encouragement to see people new to the game and the system jump right in and get how everything works. It is very satisfying to have the printed book in hand to show off art, call for random rolls from our tables and read out the bonuses listed for all the skills. We got to answer additional questions about the game from a good number of people who came to check it out. All this bodes well for the future of the game.
Brandon and I are working to put our book out there in as many places as possible. It’s time for some shameless self-promotion!
You can take a narrated tour of the printed proof for yourself. We will be making some more videos in time, so watch that space.
Wild Skies got a nice introduction from Geek Watch.
We appeared on the weekly #RPGnet creator live chat and our conversation with the folks there has been archived. It was a two hour chat and we got into all aspects of Wild Skies including inspirations, game mechanics, the setting and what comes next. RPGnet is a registered trademark of Skotos Tech, used with their permission.
Brandon appeared on a podcast by the fine folk of Creative Play.
We have also been featured on the blog of the Indie Game Developers Network. We are members of IGDN and Wild Skies: Europa Tempest will be for sale at GenCon at the IGDN booth (#2437). You can get your copy there. IGDN’s blog will be featuring member’s products throughout the run up to GenCon so check back to see what other exciting things are happening in the world of small-scale games production.
That’s everything I know about so far, but Wet Ink Games has more events and podcast recordings scheduled so there will be more to report in time.
14 August 2017
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