29 October 2008

Tying Off Loose Ends

I’ve decided I want to use this web log to reflect on all my writing, not just on this up-coming WriMo. To that end, here’s some news about a novel already in progress…

With NaNoWriMo coming up I feel the need to get some of my other writing projects to a “good point” before I leave them behind for a month. The biggest thing I’ve got going on right now is an epic fantasy novel that’s been in progress since March. I won’t go into the details, but it’s called Jaws of Empire. At least, it’s called that as of now. I have bits and pieces of the first seventeen chapters. A few are complete, some are no more than a few paragraphs. Almost all of them have accompanying notes about how to clean them up slash improve them. The goal is to spend these last few days of October with those chapters, getting them closer to their final form. That’s what I worked on today. I looked back at Chapter the First. It’s about a young pirate lass (well, other people call her a pirate) discussing with her captain the anti-pirate efforts of the neighboring empire and what they (the pirates) might be able to do about it. I had written some description of the harbor and a scene where the young lady meets the King that I needed to integrate into the rest of the chapter. That’s now complete. It came out pretty good too! At least I think so.

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