03 December 2008

Something, Something

So now that I don’t have a deadline of any sort looming over me I am much less motivated to write. I’ve taken a few days off completely. Maybe too many days off… Anyway, today I got back to it. Because of course while I passed the 50k mark, my story isn’t done yet. I’m working on chapter twenty-one right now. It’s something of a conclusion and a wrap-up chapter. It will be the last from Pyotr’s point of view. It’s been one of my themes (at least in theory) to have Pyotr be the thinker and for all of his chapters to reflect that. He’s physically static but not mentally. When trying to decide how his story will end I decided that he needs to finally step up and take some action. He fires a gun! Also he defuses a stand off between some of the survivors left around from the massive battle in chapter nineteen (The fact that the heavy hits in chapter nineteen has nothing to do with the fact that I’m reading The Dark Tower right now. This isn’t sarcasim, either. It just worked out that it’s chapter nineteen. If you don’t know what I’m talking about: go read it!). There is still some stuff to finish up. He’s leaving in this chapter, so he’s got to say goodbye to Meghin. I’m not sure how that conversation is going to go. I’ve heard writers say that sometimes sections “write themselves.” After this November, I know what they mean. I hope that this conversation “writes itself.” I certainly don’t know how to write the two of them saying goodbye to each other…

No word count: I don’t have to worry about that anymore (well, not until next November).

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