27 November 2008

I'm a Winner!

I just posted a 50,467 word document to NaNoWriMo’s website! That means I’m a winner! clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap…

I decided that since my goal for today was to finish the 50k, not finish the novel that I would focus on just the first two chapters of the four I had left to write today. I wrote about 1,500 words on each and that pushed me over into victory territory. I still have the last two chapters of the book to write, but first I think I’ll rest my little aching fingers. I don’t plan to post anything her for a few days while I recover from this writing binge. But I only want to recover a little. Turns out I like writing almost every day and seeing a story take shape.

nanawrimo winner 2008
By now I should have 45,009 words.
My winning count is 50,467 words.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Woohoo!!! We did it!!!! :D