24 November 2008

Tiring Adventures

This weekend, and today, I have felt like calling this off more than ever. I have written everyday, but not very much. Today’s count was just over 500 words. On the trip this weekend I only did about 1,300 words in three days. I don’t have an official count on all that just yet because it’s all still pen and paper. The best thing about this weekend is that I now have a much better handle on how this story is going to wrap up. Well, that’s the best writing-related thing about the weekend. Seeing Grand Canyon was the best thing about the weekend. We had other adventures which might make for interesting reading but mostly I’ve been so tired and distracted every day that I’ve had next to no chance of working on Deep Dark. I’m far behind again and the end is coming up close. I am traveling again after Thanksgiving so I’ve basically only got three more days to wrap this project up. I’m not sure I can make it…

By now I should have 40,008 words.
My current count is somewhere close to 37,274 words.

1 comment:

Abby said...


Do not admit defeat!! Write, write, write!!!! Just find a way to wrap it all up. You can go back and completely change everything and make it good and logical later. Just WRITE!!

You have gotten so far... DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!