13 November 2008

Speedy Recovery

Alright, so I’m doing okay. I’ve caught up to where I should have been last night and now I’m well into today’s quota. In just 526 words, I’ll be ahead again. I can totally do that before bedtime! I thank all the green tea I’ve been drinking today.

I just finished chapter eight. In it Meghin begins to put the pieces together and finds out where they need to go next although she doesn’t quite know what they’ll find yet.

I have been better this year about not stopping for internet research. Is Olympus Mons tall enough that it would still be sunlit when the plain around has already gone to night? (See the excerpt a few posts back for that.) It makes sense that it would but I did not try to check this on any kinds of NASA or Skylab type website. A lot of stuff about the marine ship Marcovaldo came out in my writing today, but I had decided on that ship’s name a long time ago. It did take a while to decided on it, but I did all that one night after finishing my quota. The only things in a while that I’ve just had to look while writing are the name of the wife of Agamemnon and the name of a saint from Africa. Turns out there aren’t many saints that are 1)from sub-Saharan Africa, 2)lived before the Renaissance and 3)are recognized by the Roman Catholic church. I eventually decided on St. Moses the Strong. Next: Pyotr heads for Zajdel.
By now I should have 21,671 words.
My current count is 21,146 words.

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