02 November 2009

And They're Off!

This is a post about yesterday. In the last hour before the start of the month I finally decided what I was going to write about. It’s an idea I’ve had for a while but I wasn’t very excited about it until I decided to add a gruesome murder to the back story. Then everything fell in place. I’m not really sure what sort of genre this is or how it will turn out. In my mind the story combines elements from a lot of sources. My main character and the setting are loosely inspired by Doctor Syn from Doctor Syn: A Tale of Romney Marsh by Russell Thorndike. The marsh in Kent becomes the bayou in Louisiana. There’s some story elements from “The Griffin and the Minor Canon” by Frank R. Stockton, mainly what I call the concept of “morality by strange means.” And that also applies to the movie High Plains Drifter where one guy takes revenge against a whole town. I’ve got a little bit of The Call of Cthulhu in there too because in a mildly supernatural story a few hints of eldritch darkness just fit in perfectly. My more literary influences are Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt for a bit of the whodunit set up and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, père for some of that meditation on the costs of revenge feeling. Also I’m trying to do it all in a style inspired by Kurt Vonnegut. Ambitious!

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about the town which I’m calling Beaux Flats and about the first meeting between my Syn/griffin/drifter character and the young boy who is the story’s narrator.

By yesterday I should have had 1,667 words.
My total count yesterday was 2,166 words.

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