03 November 2009

Lafitte Begat Beaux Flats

I am still “ahead” in my world count but not as far was I was yesterday. I spent time yesterday researching (just a little) about Jean Lafitte. In additional to all the other references that I have already planned I am saying that the town was founded by some former pirates of Lafitte’s. For a not-entirely-clear-to-me reason I’ve named the town Beaux Flats. I imagine it as a mostly dry hill on the middle of the bayou. The only way there is by boat.

I wanted a patina of the supernatural but in the first chapter there is already a lot of mysterious references. It’s already a little too supernatural. I’ll have to tone it down some in the coming chapters. Maybe I can have a few that are devoid of anything weird. Let’s see if I can do that!

By now I should have 3,334 words.
My current count is 4,010 words.

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