02 August 2010

A Challenge for August

One of my writing buddies has clued me in to the Write Fifteen Minutes a Day challenge. The gauntlet has been thrown down by Laurie Halse Anderson and I am going to pick it up. Every day in the month of August, write 15 minutes. That’s the only rule. As others have pointed out, it’s more than a little like a warm-up for National Novel Writing Month in November. I accept the challenge! I have just finished a Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. book (a review is coming…) and I can’t help but be inspired by his artfully compassionate cynicism. The last time I read a Vonnegut I was inspired to emulate him in my failed 2009 NaNoWriMo. This time around I had also begun a story inspired by Vonnegut. I already had a page or so about a mundane anti-hero and his strange connection to a pseudo-science movement when I learned about WFMAD. It’s a natural fit. The stream of consciousness style I am going for with this probably can’t be (shouldn’t be?) maintained for too long anyway.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I did my 15 minutes before I came to work today!

What I like about it is that it's very flexible - you don't necessarily have to spend your 15 minutes working on a particular project, which is good for me since I don't really have a manuscript I'm working on right now!