10 August 2016

A Writer Levels Up

Things are moving along nicely with Wild Skies: Europa Tempest. The manuscript is closing in on 200 pages. There are some parts which remain unfinished, but I have been doing some of the fill-in work on the smaller sections. I wrote a “What is role-playing?” bit yesterday for the very few people who would be interesting in an RPG book but who don't know how to play one. After all, new gamers born every day. I also spent some time researching historic prices on gold and silver. In an alternate history setting, we could say the prices are whatever we want, but I wanted to base my made up numbers on something.

I have also been accepted into the Indie Game Developers Network. It's something of a little tiny trade organization for independent game developers. My mug is up on the members page, so I seems like it's for real. I look forward to working with all these fine people to promote the games industry.

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