08 November 2009

Steam Lost

For some reason I have lost all motivation for my story. No. I’ve lost almost all motivation for my story. It’s just not interesting to me and that makes is really hard to write it. I did only about 100 words yesterday and none today (so far). That’s a real hard thing to recover from. I’m not sure I want to.

I lot of people that do this say their books are no good and I know the point isn’t to make it good. The point is to just keep writing anyway. But, but, but…

By now I should have 13,336 words.
My current count is 10,248 words.


Katie said...

Matt, that sucks. I know how you feel, I've been there. Maybe add some ridiculous, nonsensical, but interesting to you plot twist? It might then make your book something no one but you would ever read again, out of sheer embarrassment, but it could potentially save your motivation!

Or maybe you could go to one of the events, and having other people sitting there typing away would shame you into getting something done, even if it was bad?


Abby said...

Matt, you're right - the point is not to make it good. But it does really help to make it fun. I'll tell ya - I added some sexual tension and some creepiness to mine and it made a world of difference. Is there anything you can do to make it fun? Write the scenes you want to write... heck, twist it around and start a whole different story!

"Then all the previously mentioned characters died in a fiery explosion. And out of the ashes rose..."

Don't give up!!!