08 March 2014

A Brief History of Recent Times

I have been a busy, busy guy in the last few months. I don't feel there has been time to post. I have no idea how I had time to post almost daily during NaNoWriMo and still get my stuff done. No idea.

You may remember I mentioned other projects in the background during my November posts. Let me give a rundown of what I have been up to. I submitted a manuscript to Third Eye Games in August for the game Part-Time Gods. It's a role-playing game where everyone plays the role of modern-day gods trying to balance their divine duties with the human side of their lives. They are only part-time gods. The power that is over at Third Eye Games liked it well enough to ask me to write more in the same game line. I submitted the first draft for that on 7 November. Then for a couple weeks I just focused on my NaNoWriMo.

However, I had also been working on a very long term project with another guy for Palladium Books. He declared (and I agreed) after four years of working on it on and off, 2013 was the year to finish. I realized along about 22 November there was no way I could wait until 1 December to get back to the Palladium project. At about the same time the edits came back for my Third Eye Games draft. That's three projects that needed work ASAP!

I worked on The Valley of Insects as a warm-up or cool-down activity but I considered finishing my Palladium manuscript my first priority. I was still working on my NaNoWriMo on 30 November, putting in a little bit more here and a little bit more there. I got just over the mark. I'm a NaNoWriMo winner! There was no stopping, though, I finishing my writing for the Palladium project on 4 December. Next I re-read the whole manuscript, both my sections and the sections my co-author had written. It was very helpful to see the whole project at once for the first time. It's the book we wanted to write (good thing, right?). There was a little bit of adjusting we needed to get the tone consistent throughout. My co-author and I met throughout the second half of December to hash out how to clean up problem issues and who was going to tackle what. I am very happy to say we completed all our work on 31 December at 14:00 or so. We were not freaking out at 23:55 that night. It was great to put that project to bed, go home and go to bed early myself.

I took the first week of January off from writing, but it wasn't off completely because my wife and I always host a big end-of-the-holidays party. There was a lot of work needed to get ready for that. It was not until 6 January that I first looked at the feedback I had on the Third Eye Games manuscript. It needed a lot of work. I assumed I could finish it up in a couple weeks, but I had submitted such a poor first draft (at least in my opinion) it all needed to be significantly reworked. It took me most of January and February to get that done. In Part-Time God, characters ally themselves with various Theologies (not the same thing as religions) and for me the hardest part was developing the special ability which makes each Theology unique. Making each ability simple, unique and thematic was a tough balancing act. Almost as hard was crafting the characters which exemplify each Theology. They had to fit in the game world, into their Theology and into the real world, at least as I understand it. I think it all came out pretty well, but I guess I won't know until I get the next round of feedback.

Of course, I am not just sitting on my hands while I wait. I have taken the time in the last few weeks to clean up my NaNoWriMo just enough to send it out to some early readers. I hope they can tell me if it has potential. If they like it, I will consider expanding it and possibly sending it around to see if I can get it published. I also have a few other projects in mind for Palladium Books. One has already begun!There will be updates about all of these projects as there are developments to report.


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