01 November 2013

The First Day

Ahh, NaNoWriMo! I love starting a new project. A blank page means anything goes. You can’t do anything “wrong” in the first few days because none of the rules or forms of the story are set. It’s a time of total creative freedom. The more projects I do, the more I realize it is this early part of a project that I enjoy most. I feel really energized and positive about this year’s novel! Let me say now, this is going to be a crazy month. I have two other writing projects that need to be completed this month!
I have had a story bubbling in the back of my head for a few years and this is the month to get it all out. I outlined the story a few months ago so I know all about where I intend to go. It seems like a good idea to have at least some kind of stick to measure against as you go along. This year I am attempting a fantasy adventure story in one of those story worlds where it could just as easily be the distant past as the far future.
For today I will just tease you with a list of my inspirations for this story:
Disney’s Gargoyles
Conan – as written by Robert E. Howard
Heretic II
Hellstrom’s Hive by Frank Herbert
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
The Gunslinger by Stephen King
Verde Valley in Arizona

The benchmark word count for today is: 1667
My total word count so far is: 1793

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